Thursday, 9 June 2011

Alice: Madness Returns

So this game comes out on the 16th of June, for pc, ps3 and 360. I've been looking forward to it for quite awhile and intend on buying it on the ps3 on release. But before that i need to play American Mcgee's Alice!
I've seen so many trailers on this, and the insane dark demented vision of Wonderland appeals to me so much. This story of Alice is my kind of story, no soft journey down the rabbit hole, but a mental leap through nightmares.


Personally this is how i think Alice in Wonderland should have been told originally. 
And for all of you who wanted gameplay, heres a trailer that has aload in.


  1. I find this a little scaring. :D

  2. Doesnt looks great :L Looks like just another regular game.

  3. This looks really good. I might get it when it comes out.

  4. LOoks like a unique type of game. I like different things so im gonna have to try this one!

  5. Looks alright, not sure if it's just another branded rehash of another game though.

    This. Is. Alice in wonderland!

  7. I wonder what the in game footage will looks like. If it's actually scary I think it could be a really good game. I like real horror games, not just zombies games that call themselves horror games. If you want a freaky/ really odd game to play try The Path.

  8. that trailer looks so good :O can't wait til it actually comes out

  9. OMG, can't wait for this. Have played Alice MCGees so often.

  10. It doesn't look that great IMO. I preferred the original Alice. :)

  11. it was a such good game ,i'm wondering what's about this part

  12. I too still need to play the first one, I've heard many great things about it.

  13. haha i may have to get this.

  14. Omg I can not wait for this game I played the orginal for the pc like 5 years ago!!!!!!! (crazy glues shoes to side walk infront of game stop)

  15. Looks pretty cool, I'm gonna have to wait to see some gameplay before I decide to pick it up though.

  16. I played the first Alice and it was a pretty good adventure game. I hope this ones pretty cool too.

  17. it looks awesome, i never play the first one, think ill try it soon before this one comes out

  18. i'm really looking forward to seeing this.

  19. looks cool but meh might rent it

  20. I remember the first game way back, but never played it! But I'm going to be checking out this one :D

  21. Looks like such a trippy game! the graphics are very suited to the style

  22. The game looks beautiful, but I'm a little concerned as to how it's going to play. I hope it turns out good, but I'm definitely not going to be buying it without reading a few reviews.
