Tuesday, 7 June 2011


So i thought Nintendo's conference was pretty good. I liked all the new games for the 3DS, as really there are no games out for it currently. None worth buying or playing anyway.
During their conference they talked about a new Mario Kart, Mario, Kid Icarus, Luigi's Mansion 2, Star Fox, Zelda OoT and Zelda Four swords. I'm going to need to start saving up for all of these. Especially the new Smash Brothers they quickly spoke about.
And then the newly named Wii U was given a few titles, really the only ones i'm looking forward to are Assassin's Creed and Darksiders 2. But i'm sure many of you out there will be gleaming over Tekken, Ninja Gaiden 3, Batman, Dirt, Metro, Alien and that Ghost Recon which pretty much snuck into every conference.
And even though it wasn't shown here is the Wii U, however this is not it's confirmed final design.


  1. I didn't watch Nintendo's conference, but I'm glad you enjoyed it. :D

  2. might wanna change the pic. good update though,i also have to start saving up the only downside to being a gamer is the cost :(

  3. I watched it live too. Some pretty amazing titles nintendo came up with.

  4. Im really looking forward to the new Zelda games.

  5. might have to dust off my wii.

  6. Nothing really caught my eye. Oh well there is always next year.

  7. nice blog post, i wasn't up to date with E3. thanks for the info.

  8. Nintendo games always seem the same to me. Fun, but novelty wears off real fast.

  9. New Zelda games??? Google time!

  10. the Wii u was pretty cool

  11. Yeah i really like the 3ds mario kart. I was addicted to the other ones. I can't wait :)

  12. The Wii U looks pretty silly imo.

  13. I liked that band they had playing the Zelda medley at the start and some of the sound effects. Watching Miyamoto opening imaginary crates was a good laugh. Don't know what to think about the Wii U, but I have faith that Nintendo will deliver an amusing product that challenges current ideas on how we play games.

  14. Dude, its decided, skyrm will be the most awesome game of the year. Hahaha kidding liked you blog :)

  15. Nintendo's conference was very disappointing. I mean how long are they going to ride their cash cow on Mario? Anyone could of pridicted all the games Nintendo was going to show off at e3. Mario this, Zelda that, and Super Smash! We want new games not old material packaged in a new console!

  16. I enjoyed most of the first half, mainly looking forward to the Starfox64 remake, loved that game as a child.

  17. I can't wait for the Wii U to go public!

  18. I didn't see the Nintendou conference, but it seems very interesting!
