Saturday, 11 June 2011

Kirby Mass Attack

This game was briefly shown at the end of Nintendo's E3 conference, well when i say briefly i mean the logo appeared at the very end, it was hardly noticeable, but still it was there.

This game concentrates on not one, but a whole bunch of small Kirbys, the more the merrier right? Well according to Nintendo, yes. So during this game instead of controlling just the one pink bundle you can lead a horde around, pummeling enemies, and
wreaking havoc on any vegetables that are in sight.

So what's different in this game compared to the classic Kirby, well for a start there's more than one, also the inhalation ability doesn't play much of a role. Instead you'll be using your stylus to fling your pals into any danger, puzzle or just for a meal.

Despite the many Kirby's this game is only single player. However on a brighter note it will be released on the 19th of September for the USA. But there currently is no date for it's release in Europe :( Hopefully we will be seeing Kirby Mass Attack over here sooner, rather than the traditional trend of us getting it a year after the original release.


  1. More than one kirby = overpowered :D

  2. Sure my wife will love this!

  3. Man, with Vita coming out, DS will have to really move past these kiddy games to compete

  4. Kirby with out the sucking? I hope it doesn't suck.

  5. I thought Kirby's epic yarn was a kind of cool game...we shall see this one and how it turns out.

  6. Kirby's Epic Yarn looked fantastic, I hope this will be too. :D

  7. i am freaking afraid of kirby *_* It's just...Well... You newer know, when that cute little pink blob will shown up.

  8. haha that game sounds pretty awesome, i prefer single player games anyway

  9. Kirby games are always awesome, glad to see a new one coming out

  10. why did you put "mass effect" in the tags?

  11. Never played this. Sounds awesome tho! XD

  12. Looks a little old school, but I love Kirby so want!

    <(*.*<) Kirby!!

  13. certainly it will be funny

  14. nintendo is so gimmicky xD

  15. sounds like a nice twist to the normal kirby game.

  16. Lol thats pretty awesome actually! I want to play.

  17. I'm going to have to try this game out, sounds pretty fun lol

  18. Looks retro. A year between formats? That's a total joke...

  19. Kirby is one of my favorite sagas ever.

  20. Looks good.. But I miss metaknight

  21. Kirby has always been great fun :)
